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If ambien that were done, ambien then more people ambien out there would ambien want to help. ambien One expert ambien agrees that compensation ambien is the primary ambien problem. Physicians ambien are neither compensated ambien for being on ambien call nor compensated ambien for many of ambien the patients they ambien are called in ambien to see, said ambien Dr. Ron M. ambien Walls, chairman of ambien the Department of ambien Emergency Medicine at ambien Brigham and Women ambien s Hospital and ambien an associate professor ambien of emergency medicine ambien at Harvard Medical ambien School. I ambien m not saying ambien that it s ambien right or wrong ambien that physicians feel ambien that way, but ambien it s understandable. ambien Walls lays ambien part of the ambien blame on the ambien recent changes to ambien the law. ambien EMTALA is an ambien unfunded mandate that ambien requires physicians to ambien care for patients ambien without any promise ambien of compensation, he ambien said. In ambien addition, most payment ambien schemas do not ambien allow any compensation ambien for physicians to ambien be on call. ambien It ambien s not a ambien greed issue, Walls ambien said. It ambien s just a ambien concept of fair ambien compensation for services ambien that are commanded, ambien not asked. ambien The rest of ambien the problem, according ambien to Walls, is ambien that many specialists ambien are moving their ambien practice away from ambien the hospital and ambien doing more procedures ambien in their office ambien or in same ambien day surgery centers. ambien A lack of ambien liability insurance for ambien their work in ambien the emergency department ambien also factors in ambien decisions not to ambien be on call ambien for emergencies. While ambien teaching hospitals have ambien full time, round ambien the clock staff ambien in most specialties, ambien they are being ambien strained as more ambien and more patients ambien are transferred for ambien treatment that they ambien should have been ambien able to get ambien at the emergency ambien department where they ambien were initially taken, ambien Walls noted. Another ambien expert agreed that ambien the lack of ambien specialty care is ambien putting pressure on ambien teaching hospitals. ambien It is harder ambien and harder for ambien emergency physicians, particularly ambien in community hospitals, ambien to get specialists ambien to come in ambien to take care ambien of patients who ambien need specialty care, ambien said Dr. Marshall ambien Morgan, chief of ambien emergency medicine at ambien the University of ambien California, Los Angeles ambien Medical Center. ambien In an academic ambien hospital like mine, ambien this means that ambien we are getting ambien more transfers from ambien outside hospitals. ambien Some people believe ambien that transferring patients ambien is a way ambien of dumping cases ambien that hospitals don ambien t want under ambien the guise of ambien not being able ambien to treat them, ambien Morgan said. The ambien combination of EMTALA ambien and insurance companies ambien that balk at ambien payment causes many ambien of these transfers, ambien Morgan said. ambien Some of these ambien practices the insurance ambien companies engage in ambien are illegal, but ambien they do it ambien anyway, and they ambien generally don t ambien get called on ambien it, Morgan said. ambien But I ambien also think it ambien s scurrilous for ambien the federal government ambien to impose an ambien obligation for a ambien segment of the ambien work force to ambien work for nothing. ambien The medication ambien naltrexone and up ambien to sessions of ambien alcohol counseling by ambien a behavioral specialist ambien are equally effective ambien treatments for alcohol ambien dependence when delivered ambien with structured medical ambien management, according to ambien results from ambien Combining Medications and ambien Behavioral Interventions for ambien Alcoholism. Results from ambien the National Institutes ambien of Health supported ambien study show that ambien patients who received ambien naltrexone, specialized alcohol ambien counseling, or both ambien demonstrated the best ambien drinking outcomes after ambien weeks of outpatient ambien treatment. All patients ambien also received Medical ambien Management, an intervention ambien consisting of nine ambien brief, structured outpatient ambien sessions provided by ambien a health care ambien professional. Contrary to ambien expectations, the researchers ambien found no effect ambien on drinking of ambien the medication acamprosate ambien and no additive ambien benefit from adding ambien acamprosate to naltrexone. ambien Effect of Combined ambien Pharmacotherapies and Behavioral ambien Interventions for Alcohol ambien Dependence appears in ambien the current issue ambien of the Journal ambien of the American ambien Medical Association, Volume, ambien Number, pages. NIH ambien s National Institute ambien on Alcohol Abuse ambien and Alcoholism launched ambien COMBINE in to ambien identify the most ambien effective current treatments ambien and treatment combinations ambien for alcohol dependence. ambien The largest clinical ambien trial ever conducted ambien of pharmacologic and ambien behavioral treatments for ambien alcohol dependence, COMBINE ambien was carried out ambien at academic sites ambien that recruited and ambien randomly assigned recently ambien abstinent, alcohol dependent ambien patients to one ambien of nine treatment ambien groups. Eight treatment ambien groups received MM; ambien four of these ambien received naltrexone, acamprosate, ambien both naltrexone and ambien acamprosate, or placebo ambien pills. The other ambien four groups received ambien in addition specialized ambien alcohol counseling. Termed ambien Combined Behavioral Intervention, ambien the counseling integrated ambien cognitive behavioral therapy, ambien motivational enhancement, and ambien techniques to enhance ambien mutual help group ambien participation all treatments ambien shown in earlier ambien studies to be ambien beneficial. Patients assigned ambien to the specialized ambien alcohol counseling could ambien receive up to ambien twenty minute sessions ambien in addition to ambien medical management; the ambien median number received ambien was sessions. To ambien test for any ambien effects of pill ambien taking, the researchers ambien assigned some patients ambien to a nin
ambien ambien to treat them, ambien Morgan said. The ambien combination of EMTALA ambien and insurance companies ambien that balk at ambien payment causes many ambien of these transfers, ambien Morgan said. ambien Some of these ambien practices the insurance ambien companies engage in ambien are illegal, but ambien they do it ambien anyway, and they ambien generally don t ambien get called on ambien it, Morgan said. ambien But I ambien also think it ambien s scurrilous for ambien the federal government ambien to impose an ambien obligation for a ambien segment of the ambien work force to ambien work for nothing. ambien The medication ambien naltrexone and up ambien to sessions of ambien alcohol counseling by ambien a behavioral specialist ambien are equally effective ambien treatments for alcohol ambien dependence when delivered ambien with structured medical ambien management, according to ambien results from ambien Combining Medications and ambien Behavioral Interventions for ambien Alcoholism. Results from ambien the National Institutes ambien of Health supported ambien study show that ambien patients who received ambien naltrexone, specialized alcohol ambien counseling, or both ambien demonstrated the best ambien drinking outcomes after ambien weeks of outpatient ambien treatment. All patients ambien also received Medical ambien Management, an intervention ambien consisting of nine ambien brief, structured outpatient ambien sessions provided by ambien a health care ambien professional. Contrary to ambien expectations, the researchers ambien found no effect ambien on drinking of ambien the medication acamprosate ambien and no additive ambien benefit from adding ambien acamprosate to naltrexone. ambien Effect of Combined ambien Pharmacotherapies and Behavioral ambien Interventions for Alcohol ambien Dependence appears in ambien the current issue ambien of the Journal ambien of the American ambien Medical Association, Volume, ambien Number, pages. NIH ambien s National Institute ambien on Alcohol Abuse ambien and Alcoholism launched ambien COMBINE in to ambien identify the most ambien effective current treatments ambien and treatment combinations ambien for alcohol dependence. ambien The largest clinical ambien trial ever conducted ambien of pharmacologic and ambien behavioral treatments for ambien alcohol dependence, COMBINE ambien was carried out ambien at academic sites ambien that recruited and ambien randomly assigned recently ambien abstinent, alcohol dependent ambien patients to one ambien of nine treatment ambien groups. Eight treatment ambien groups received MM; ambien four of these ambien received naltrexone, acamprosate, ambien both naltrexone and ambien acamprosate, or placebo ambien pills. The other ambien four groups received ambien in addition specialized ambien alcohol counseling. Termed ambien Combined Behavioral Intervention, ambien the counseling integrated ambien cognitive behavioral therapy, ambien motivational enhancement, and ambien techniques to enhance ambien mutual help group ambien participation all treatments ambien shown in earlier ambien studies to be ambien beneficial. Patients assigned ambien to the specialized ambien alcohol counseling could ambien receive up to ambien twenty minute sessions ambien in addition to ambien medical management; the ambien median number received ambien was sessions. To ambien test for any ambien effects of pill ambien taking, the researchers ambien assigned some patients ambien to a ninth ambien group that received ambien specialized alcohol counseling, ambien but no pills, ambien and no more ambien than four visits ambien with a health ambien professional for general ambien medical advice. During ambien the weeks of ambien treatment and year ambien after the treatment, ambien the researchers assessed ambien the patients for ambien the percentage of ambien days abstinent from ambien alcohol and time ambien to the first ambien heavy drinking day, ambien defined as or ambien more drinks per ambien day for women ambien and or more ambien drinks per day ambien for men. They ambien also assessed the ambien odds of good ambien clinical outcome, defined ambien as abstinence or ambien moderate drinking without ambien alcohol related problems. ambien As in other ambien large clinical trials, ambien the researchers found ambien that most patients ambien showed substantial improvement ambien during treatment and ambien that both the ambien overall level of ambien improvement and the ambien differences between treatment ambien groups diminished during ambien the follow up ambien period. In the ambien COMBINE study, however, ambien naltrexone continued to ambien show a small ambien advantage for preventing ambien relapse at year ambien after the end ambien of active treatment. ambien Specific findings from ambien the COMBINE study ambien are summarized at. ambien These results ambien demonstrate that either ambien naltrexone or specialized ambien alcohol counseling with ambien structured medical management ambien is an effective ambien option for treating ambien alcohol dependence, said ambien Mark L. Willenbring, ambien M. D., Director, ambien Division of Treatment ambien and Recovery Research, ambien NIa. Although ambien MM is somewhat ambien more intensive than ambien the alcohol dependence ambien interventions offered in ambien most of today ambien s health care ambien settings, it is ambien not unlike other ambien patient care models ambien such as initiating ambien insulin therapy in ambien patients with diabetes ambien mellitus. MM s ambien application in primary ambien care and general ambien mental health care ambien settings would expand ambien access to effective ambien treatment dramatically, while ambien offering patients greater ambien choice. To ambien expand its application, ambien NIa will develop ambien an abbreviated version ambien of MM to ambien be available in ambien early summer. Print ambien copies of the ambien treatment manuals used ambien in COMBINE are ambien available by order ambien from http. w. ambien nia. nih. gov ambien Publications EducationTrainingMaterials. “The ambien COMBINE results provide ambien guidance for applying ambien today s treatment ambien tools. NIa continues ambien to explore new ambien treatment tools in ambien more than current ambien medication trials, in ambien studies to better ambien understand the mechanisms ambien of action in ambien behavioral treatments, and ambien in our search ambien for new molecular ambien targets and novel ambien compounds for clinical ambien testing, according to ambien Raye Z. Litten, ambien Ph. D., COMBINE ambien s government director ambien and co leader ambien of NIa medications ambien development team. COMBINE ambien chairpersons Raymond F. ambien Anton, M. D., ambien Department of Psychiatry, ambien Medical University of ambien South Carolina, and ambien Alcohol, Wine ambien and Cardiovascular Disease ambien Are there cardiovascular ambien |
ambien ambien group that received ambien specialized alcohol counseling, ambien but no pills, ambien and no more ambien than four visits ambien with a health ambien professional for general ambien medical advice. During ambien the weeks of ambien treatment and year ambien after the treatment, ambien the researchers assessed ambien the patients for ambien the percentage of ambien days abstinent from ambien alcohol and time ambien to the first ambien heavy drinking day, ambien defined as or ambien more drinks per ambien day for women ambien and or more ambien drinks per day ambien for men. They ambien also assessed the ambien odds of good ambien clinical outcome, defined ambien as abstinence or ambien moderate drinking without ambien alcohol related problems. ambien As in other ambien large clinical trials, ambien the researchers found ambien that most patients ambien showed substantial improvement ambien during treatment and ambien that both the ambien overall level of ambien improvement and the ambien differences between treatment ambien groups diminished during ambien the follow up ambien period. In the ambien COMBINE study, however, ambien naltrexone continued to ambien show a small ambien advantage for preventing ambien relapse at year ambien after the end ambien of active treatment. ambien Specific findings from ambien the COMBINE study ambien are summarized at. ambien These results ambien demonstrate that either ambien naltrexone or specialized ambien alcohol counseling with ambien structured medical management ambien is an effective ambien option for treating ambien alcohol dependence, said ambien Mark L. Willenbring, ambien M. D., Director, ambien Division of Treatment ambien and Recovery Research, ambien NIa. Although ambien MM is somewhat ambien more intensive than ambien the alcohol dependence ambien interventions offered in ambien most of today ambien s health care ambien settings, it is ambien not unlike other ambien patient care models ambien such as initiating ambien insulin therapy in ambien patients with diabetes ambien mellitus. MM s ambien application in primary ambien care and general ambien mental health care ambien settings would expand ambien access to effective ambien treatment dramatically, while ambien offering patients greater ambien choice. To ambien expand its application, ambien NIa will develop ambien an abbreviated version ambien of MM to ambien be available in ambien early summer. Print ambien copies of the ambien treatment manuals used ambien in COMBINE are ambien available by order ambien from http. w. ambien nia. nih. gov ambien Publications EducationTrainingMaterials. “The ambien COMBINE results provide ambien guidance for applying ambien today s treatment ambien tools. NIa continues ambien to explore new ambien treatment tools in ambien more than current ambien medication trials, in ambien studies to better ambien understand the mechanisms ambien of action in ambien behavioral treatments, and ambien in our search ambien for new molecular ambien targets and novel ambien compounds for clinical ambien testing, according to ambien Raye Z. Litten, ambien Ph. D., COMBINE ambien s government director ambien and co leader ambien of NIa medications ambien development team. COMBINE ambien chairpersons Raymond F. ambien Anton, M. D., ambien Department of Psychiatry, ambien Medical University of ambien South Carolina, and ambien Alcohol, Wine ambien and Cardiovascular Disease ambien Are there cardiovascular ambien |